Monday 29 March 2021

letter to carla

My teacher Mr. Waller is reading a book called Boys in the Girl's Bathroom 

Last seat 

Last row

Mrs. Ebbells class

Room 12

Next to Jeff.

 Dear Carla

 It’s a pleasure to write to you, I’m also sorry for not coming to help you pack your stuff away and saying I hated you. 

  I did come but it was too late, but I did see your letter on the round table,and I read it in the park.

I also went to colleens birthday party and I made some new friends even with chicken the dog, it was one of the best birthday parties I’ve been to in my life.We did a relay and I was terrified at first but when I got to run, I ran my hardest and won the relay for my team, the only thing I lost to were the summersault and the three legged race my team really sucked at the summersault.I came first and I got to pick a prize in the prize box,I picked a harmonica cause all the other prizes were kind of girly, poor Jeff he had to pick a doll dress.

 I also gave colleen a present that came from my heart,  and she liked it.I gave her a letter that accidentally said love Bradley and everyone started laughing but Karen stood up for me and shouted shut up to everyone that was laughing. I kind of think that Karen likes me because she stood up for me when I accidentally wrote love Bradley on Colleen's note that I gave her.

When we sang the birthday song I totally forgot the words and when everyone one stopped singing I was the only one singing and I was just saying random words and everyone started laughing, even I was laughing. After the party was finished Jeff and I walked back to our houses  together

                                   Love Bradley

                                 ❤️ I really miss you  ❤️

Thursday 18 March 2021

My Animal Project

My animal is a penguin. Penguins come from the bird family but they are flightless birds.


What's the scientific name:

The scientific name for penguin is Spheniscidae

Spheniscidae means comprising all existing penguins  

How big does my animal grow:

Penguins can grow up to 10 to 12 inches, in New Zealand words 25.4 cm to 30.48cm.

Where does it live:

You could find penguins in Antarctica or New Zealand

What does it eat:

Penguins eat krill, small fish, and squid. if your wondering what Krills look like a shrimp but with a straight body and clear skin.

How does it go about getting food:

Penguins hunt mainly by sight

Does anything eat your animal:

In fact yes many sea animals like leopard seals,fur seals,sea lions,shark and killer whale

What does your animal do to protect itself from being eaten:

Penguins walk with a distinctive waddle and cannot fly away cause there flightless birds,instead they can slide away on their bellies

What things might  threaten or harm your animal:

Penguins are scared of storms, because it can destroy nesting areas.oh and also they are threatened  by overfishing.

What can you do to protect your animal:

I don't really know all I know is that you should probably catch about 2-3  a week.

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Are we there yet?


“What honey.”

“I forgot my snacks at home.”

“Really well we're not going back.”

pleeeeeease I begged,

no we can't she answered.

3h Later

“ battery died just as I was about to become level 100.”wh- why are we stopping I asked, look outside mum answered. I looked out woah.mum was talking to me but I couldn't even hear her from all the beeping outside.

“Mum I need to go for a number 1.”

“Well you’re going to have to hold it until we’re out of this mess.”

1h later

“Yessss finally.”We were heading to the gas station. After I did you know we were back to this boring trip.

30 minutes later

“mum do you have a plastic bag?”I asked.

“Why do you need a plastic bag.”she answered,

“cause I feel like I’m going to throw up.”

“Oh ok.”When I got the plastic bag I didn't feel like throwing up.

“Are we there yet?”I asked in a dry voice.

“No probably in another 6 hours.”


“Just be patient.”

“Why’d we bring this dog he’s taking up so much space

and also why are we going to wellington.”

“Cause I have some work to do there.”

“Can I tell you a joke.”


“Knock knock.”

“Who’s there bor-.”

“Bor- what.”


I spy something beginning with b

“Baby,beautiful, bus.”

“All of that no, give up?”

