Wednesday 15 September 2021

100 word challenge


It was the 14th of September on my calendar. I was outside playing with my little brother.”Can you go grab that stick for me please?” I asked. “But the stick looks sticky.”


“Hold on mum’s calling me.” “what do you want mum?”

“Can you hang the whitewashing please?”

“Yeah, I’ll do it.”


While I was hanging the washing my brother was being the most annoying human ever. “Can you shut up? I'm trying to do the washing.”

Hanging the socks it’s minuscule.”

What does minuscule mean?” 

“It means small.”

“Why didn't you just say it’s small?”

Monday 16 August 2021

Carbon half done

 Paragraph 1                                   

What is carbon?

Carbon is one of the most important elements. Scientists say carbon can be found in any living and non-living form e.g coal, gas, and oil. Carbon is one of the 118 elements that make up our planet. Humus is seventy percent Carbon. (Humus is decaying trees and leaves), also over millions of years, carbon atoms moved in and out of different forms. 


 Paragraph 2               



What is carbon dioxide (CO2), CO2 is made up of 2 elements carbon and oxygen, and it’s a transparent gas, and it’s caused by burning carbon and organic matter. Carbon dioxide can trap heat in the atmosphere. Without co2 our planet would freeze to death.   

 Carbon dioxide is causing global warming.   

Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can overheat our planet. Scientists call this global warming. 

Tuesday 3 August 2021

stuck by Aisea & Victor

 Jack, James, Kris, Victor, and I were playing hide and seek. I went and hid on a tree cause I wanted to win so badly, cause Kris said whoever would win could get 20$, but I knew he was lying cause he would never share any of his money.

5 minutes later 

“ACE! ACE! Where are you, you won already”.Kris  shouted 

“Did I actually?” I replied 


I carefully climbed down the tree and asked Kris if he wanted to play on the swings he replied with a yes. While We were playing on the swings I tried to make Kris laugh by going on the baby swing so I climbed on the swing until my two legs got stuck in the baby swing. I screamed and tried to slip my leg out.

“Kris help me, I'm stuck, I can't get out.”

“Haha, funny Ace.” 

“No really, I'm not lying, help me.”

“Oh crap you're not lying, ok stay here I'm gonna get Jack,James, and Victor.”

Ok but please be fast.”

15 minutes later

Kris hurry up!”

“Ok wait I haven't found them yet.”

“Just yell their names out loud you idiot 

“ Ok fine, Jack Victor James hurry up Ace got stuck in the baby swing.”

“OK.” James Victor and Jack screamed altogether

They all climbed carefully down the tree.

“Ok, what happened ACE.”

“I tried to make Kris laugh and went into the baby swing to make Kris laugh.”

“Are you ok,'' said James.”

“Do I look ok to you idiot.”

“Sorry bruv just saying.”

“It’s alright now hurry up and get me out of this thing.” 

“Alright, I’ll hold the swing.” Kris said “

“We’ll pull him out.” Victor & Jack said together

“What am I gonna do?” asked James

“Sit there and wait till we ask for help,” Kris said 

“Ok, but why am I always left out,” James asked 

Cause you never say anything.”Kris said

“Guys I’m waiting.”

“Whoops forgot about you.”

How cod you forget about me? and hurry up and get me out of this thing.”

“Ok go on 1, 3….2….1 PULL!.” I screamed 

They all pulled as hard as they could.

I closed my eyes and my head landed on the hard barked floor

“Oooow.” I opened my eyes carefully 

“I’M FREE!” I screamed

“Shut up,” Kris said 

“Make me.”

“Sure come here you weak dumbo.”

“Woah I was kidding, can't you take a joke.”

“Learn to make one.”

The End :\

Monday 14 June 2021

the day things started to disappear

                       The day things started to disappear 

My dad was watching t.v while I was reading a book on the couch. suddenly my dad started growling at me.

“Wh- wh- why are you growling at me?”

“It's always you.”

“What’s always me?”

“You always hide the remote.”

Dad started to flip the place upside down/flipping all the furniture upside down.

The next hour or two

“Whe- Where is my homework? I swear I put it in my bag last night. Mum, do you know where my homework is?”

“No honey I have no idea sorry.”

“Oh it's ok I’ll ask Dad.”

“Dad, have you seen my homework.”

“No I haven't, but can you tell me where you hid the remote? I've wanted to change the channel for like one or two hours ago.”

“Dad I never hid the remote you could clearly see that I was reading a book and plus it's probably under my blanket on the other couch

The next minute 

“Max stop chewing on my homework, you're gonna wreck my work. Oh my goodness what am I gonna do? I'll just tell my teacher that my dog was chewing on my homework, and I hope she believes me.”

The next half an hour


“Mum, stop yelling, I'm right here and I have no idea where it is.”

“ I kinda feel like you hid somewhere cause I never told you that max was about to wreck your homework.”

“Wait, you knew Max was chewing and was about to eat my homework. Why didn't you tell me.”

“Because I didn't know where you were and I was too lazy to look for you.”

“That's a good reason cause I know you're lazy and anyways, I was sleeping in my room.” “I would never hide the keys cause I know you're gonna give me a big hiding.”

The next 20 minutes

“Son I kinda feel bad that your mom and I blamed you for hiding the remote and the car keys, so do you wanna get some takeaways

“Yes please.”

“Ok but first you have to look for the keys cause mum never found it.”

Tuesday 4 May 2021

100 word challenge

 I was chilling in the living room watching naruto, eating a packet of chips..

Suddenly, darkness enveloped the room..the lights shut off I could see absolutely nothing, I felt like I was in a coffin, suddenly I heard a noise that sounded like a glass break am I getting robbed no the robber would know someones here so it must be a ghost wait ghost aren't real but if it is a ghost I'm probably going to do what every horror movie actor does I’m just going to run and going to trip up over a piece of air.

Thursday 8 April 2021

Who's The Hero In your family

 Who’s The Hero In Your Family?


  • I elaborate on my ideas with relevant details  e.g. each idea has supporting detail

  • I can use the 4 E’s in my writing- Evidence, Explanation, Example, Elaboration

  • To create a picture in the reader’s head


Humble, hard-working, patient, loving, humorous, clever, helpful, caring.

My Mum is the most hard-working person I know in the family. she always does the dishes when I’m too tired to do it. She always wants to clean the house and make the house look clean.She also has to travel back and forth from Wellington back to Auckland.

She is the most helpful person I know. She always takes care of the house and always helps my brother take care

of his son, for example if my brother is busy or has a rugby game on the weekends my mum will take care of him. She always teaches me to not be a bad influence on kids that are younger than me

My mum is kinda humorous whenever she tries to pronounce something she will get muddled up with another word like one time I asked her to say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious she’ll probably end up saying a random word like supercalicococola and I’ll probably on the floor laughing. You will probably not be laughing but it's just the way she says it.

thanks for reading leave a comment, please

Monday 29 March 2021

letter to carla

My teacher Mr. Waller is reading a book called Boys in the Girl's Bathroom 

Last seat 

Last row

Mrs. Ebbells class

Room 12

Next to Jeff.

 Dear Carla

 It’s a pleasure to write to you, I’m also sorry for not coming to help you pack your stuff away and saying I hated you. 

  I did come but it was too late, but I did see your letter on the round table,and I read it in the park.

I also went to colleens birthday party and I made some new friends even with chicken the dog, it was one of the best birthday parties I’ve been to in my life.We did a relay and I was terrified at first but when I got to run, I ran my hardest and won the relay for my team, the only thing I lost to were the summersault and the three legged race my team really sucked at the summersault.I came first and I got to pick a prize in the prize box,I picked a harmonica cause all the other prizes were kind of girly, poor Jeff he had to pick a doll dress.

 I also gave colleen a present that came from my heart,  and she liked it.I gave her a letter that accidentally said love Bradley and everyone started laughing but Karen stood up for me and shouted shut up to everyone that was laughing. I kind of think that Karen likes me because she stood up for me when I accidentally wrote love Bradley on Colleen's note that I gave her.

When we sang the birthday song I totally forgot the words and when everyone one stopped singing I was the only one singing and I was just saying random words and everyone started laughing, even I was laughing. After the party was finished Jeff and I walked back to our houses  together

                                   Love Bradley

                                 ❤️ I really miss you  ❤️

Thursday 18 March 2021

My Animal Project

My animal is a penguin. Penguins come from the bird family but they are flightless birds.


What's the scientific name:

The scientific name for penguin is Spheniscidae

Spheniscidae means comprising all existing penguins  

How big does my animal grow:

Penguins can grow up to 10 to 12 inches, in New Zealand words 25.4 cm to 30.48cm.

Where does it live:

You could find penguins in Antarctica or New Zealand

What does it eat:

Penguins eat krill, small fish, and squid. if your wondering what Krills look like a shrimp but with a straight body and clear skin.

How does it go about getting food:

Penguins hunt mainly by sight

Does anything eat your animal:

In fact yes many sea animals like leopard seals,fur seals,sea lions,shark and killer whale

What does your animal do to protect itself from being eaten:

Penguins walk with a distinctive waddle and cannot fly away cause there flightless birds,instead they can slide away on their bellies

What things might  threaten or harm your animal:

Penguins are scared of storms, because it can destroy nesting areas.oh and also they are threatened  by overfishing.

What can you do to protect your animal:

I don't really know all I know is that you should probably catch about 2-3  a week.

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Are we there yet?


“What honey.”

“I forgot my snacks at home.”

“Really well we're not going back.”

pleeeeeease I begged,

no we can't she answered.

3h Later

“ battery died just as I was about to become level 100.”wh- why are we stopping I asked, look outside mum answered. I looked out woah.mum was talking to me but I couldn't even hear her from all the beeping outside.

“Mum I need to go for a number 1.”

“Well you’re going to have to hold it until we’re out of this mess.”

1h later

“Yessss finally.”We were heading to the gas station. After I did you know we were back to this boring trip.

30 minutes later

“mum do you have a plastic bag?”I asked.

“Why do you need a plastic bag.”she answered,

“cause I feel like I’m going to throw up.”

“Oh ok.”When I got the plastic bag I didn't feel like throwing up.

“Are we there yet?”I asked in a dry voice.

“No probably in another 6 hours.”


“Just be patient.”

“Why’d we bring this dog he’s taking up so much space

and also why are we going to wellington.”

“Cause I have some work to do there.”

“Can I tell you a joke.”


“Knock knock.”

“Who’s there bor-.”

“Bor- what.”


I spy something beginning with b

“Baby,beautiful, bus.”

“All of that no, give up?”

